TOR Productions brings you its fifth production, “The Maker’s Invention.” A short holiday special, dedicated to the one who feels insignificant…to the one unsure of who they were created to be…and a reminder to all of us of our “why.”

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What are tales of reality?

Tales of Reality are short faith based audio stories that are sure to keep you captivated. Each tale is anywhere from 13-20 min long, but full of powerful messages. Listeners have likened Tales of Reality to Focus On The Family’s Radio Theater but from a narration point of view.

Who are tales of reality for?

Tales of Reality are for young and old listeners alike. We must disclose though, some of the content may be a bit heavy or suspenseful for kids. These tales are marked below with “Younger members may want to listen with a parent.” TOR Productions plans to release kid’s focused content in the future.

listen to an episode for free!

*Younger members may want to listen with a parent

The author invites you to join us for a special dinner. Feel free to bring a friend or family member. But beware, you may find that dinner is not who…I mean…what you were expecting and the other guests to be…interesting. Tales of Reality brings you its first episode, “An Invitation To Dinner.”

What people are saying

“Kyle Guisande uses his unique giftedness to craft and produce amazing “tales of reality” that address both spiritual and physical dynamical experiences. i think it’s time that a much wider audience become blessed by these genuinely powerful tales…”

— Rick Mayo

“A literary artist of another level. each tale a deep raw portrayal of reality that leaves the listener spellbound and provoked to introspection. a voice that reaches where others may not, certainly guisande succeeds in creating causeway for the god of creation to speak to the here and now. illumination of truths otherwise unrealized.”

— Amanda Marks

the author

Kyle Guisande is an author, songwriter and musician based out of Spokane, Washington. He is passionate about storytelling through means of music and literature. He believes the imagination is one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind. Tales of Reality is his way of sharing biblical and spiritual truths in a fresh and creative way.